13 Year Old Boy Saves Baseball Coach’s Life Using CPR

A 13 year old Nathan is a baseball player in Arizona who saved the life of his coach using CPR. One day during practice, his coach suddenly collapsed.

Isaac Wenrich is a minor league baseball player who coaches kids during the off season. All of a sudden, he just collapsed.

The 13 year old wasted no time. He reached for his coaches phone that was in his back pocket and called 911, and then started CPR.

Katy Huetter, Wenrich’s girlfriend, said, “Nathan had to do CPR for 4 minutes until the paramedics arrived to take over. They said if he didn’t do CPR, Isaac would not be with us right now.”

Nathan’s mom described her son as determined, humble and hard-working with a strong work ethic. He is always giving 110% in whatever he does.

Not many kids know CPR. If you are a parent, encourage your child to get certified in CPR. You will never know when a life saving opportunity will present itself.